- LESSON 1: Visualizing Numbers up to 100 000 with Emphasis on Numbers 10 001- 50 000
- LESSON 2: Visualizing Numbers up to 100 000 with Emphasis on Numbers 50 001 – 100 000
- LESSON 3: (Part 1) Place Value and Value of a Digit in Numbers up to 100 000
- LESSON 3: (Part 2) Place Value and Value of a Digit in Numbers up to 100 000
- LESSON 4: Reading and Writing Numbers up to 100 000 in Symbols and in Words
- LESSON 5: Rounding Numbers to the Nearest Thousands and Ten Thousands
- LESSON 6: Comparing Numbers up to 100, 000 Using Relational Symbols
- LESSON 7: Ordering Numbers up to 100 000
- LESSON 8: Multiplying Numbers up to Three Digits by Numbers up to Two Digits without Regrouping
- LESSON 9: Multiplying Numbers up to Three Digits by Numbers up to Two Digits with Regrouping
- LESSON 10: Estimating Products
- LESSON 11: Multiplying Mentally 2 Digit by 1 Digit Numbers
- LESSON 12: Multiplying Mentally 2 Digit by 2 Digit Numbers
- LESSON 13:Solving Routine and Non-routine Problems Involving Multiplication of Whole Numbers
- LESSON 14: Solving Multi-step Problems Involving Multiplication and Addition or Subtraction
- LESSON 15: Long Division with One Digit Divisor
- LESSON 16: Identifying Factors of a Given Number up to 100
- LESSON 17: Changing Improper Fractions to Mixed Numer