
LESSON 4: Reading and Writing Numbers up to 100 000 in Symbols and in Words


100 000.

How do we read this?

How do we write it in words?

Watch this.

From Cherry’s Classroom YouTube Channel

Remember the following in reading numbers in symbols and in words.

  • Read from left to right.
  • Number + Period ( In every period, read the number then the period in singular form. No need to read the period when its in the Ones Period.)

Remember the following in writing numbers in symbols and words.

  • Always hyphenate 2-digit numbers 21 up to 99 when writing them out as words. These are compound numbers.
  • 2-digit numbers like 11 up to 19, 10 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 are not compound numbers. These numbers don’t need to be hyphenated.
  • Use a space or a comma between periods.


Activity 1

Write the numbers correctly in words and in symbols.

1.) 55555
2.) 20055
3.) 75500
4.) 32085
5.) 34981

Activity 2

Write the following numbers in words.

1.) 43, 657

2.) 77, 777

3.) 20, 023

4.) 65, 000

5.) 34 720

Activity 3

Write the following numbers in symbols.

1.) seventy-eight thousand, nine hundred

2.) forty thousand, seven hundred

3.) eighty-two thousand, five

4.) four thousand

5.) twenty-six thousand, four hundred forty-four

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Teacher Cherry

By Teacher Cherry

As a teacher, I am a member of a team in our society, assigned to retain learnings in my students. I owe this to the community.

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