
ACTIVITY 1: Ordering Numbers up to 100 000


Activity 1

Arrange the following numbers

1.) Increasing order: (35, 354) (35, 654) (35, 854) (65, 354)

2.) Decreasing order: (65, 354) (35, 854) (35, 654) (35, 354)

3.) Increasing order: (33, 214) (33, 844) (45, 654) (64, 351)

4.) Decreasing order: (64, 351) (45, 654) (33, 844) (33, 214)

5.) Increasing order: (22, 213) (23, 351) (25, 844 ) (27, 654)

6.) Decreasing order: (27, 654) (25, 844) (23, 351) (22, 213)

7.) Increasing order: (17, 634) (25, 842) (33, 328) (42, 214)

8.) Decreasing order: (42, 214) (33, 328) (25, 842) (17, 634)

9.) Increasing order: (54, 215) (54, 325) (54, 635) (54, 845)

10.) Decreasing order: (54, 845) (54, 635) (54, 325) (54, 215)

Teacher Cherry

By Teacher Cherry

As a teacher, I am a member of a team in our society, assigned to retain learnings in my students. I owe this to the community.

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