
LESSON 7: Ordering Numbers up to 100 000


How do we arrange larger numbers?

Learn about increasing order and decreasing order.

Watch this


Increasing order– from least to greatest.


(20,000) (20,001) (20,002) (20, 003)

Decreasing order– from greatest to least.


(20, 003) (20,002) (20,001) (20,000)


Activity 1

Arrange the following numbers

1.) Increasing order:

2.) Decreasing order:

(35, 854) (35, 654) (65, 354) (35, 354)

3.) Increasing order:

4.) Decreasing order:

(45, 654) (33, 844) (64, 351) (33, 214)

5.) Increasing order:

6.) Decreasing order:

(27, 654) (25, 844) (23, 351) (22, 213)

7.) Increasing order:

8.) Decreasing order:

(17, 634) (25, 842) (33, 328) (42, 214)

9.) Increasing order:

10.) Decreasing order:

(54, 635) (54, 845) (54, 325) (54, 215)

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LESSON 6: Comparing Numbers up to 100, 000 Using Relational Symbols


How do we compare large numbers?

>, < and =. What are these symbols stand for?

Symbols Meaning Example
>“greater than” – used when one value is bigger than another.
123 > 23
<“less than” – used when one value is smaller than another.
23 < 123
= “equal” – When two values are equal.
23 = 23
  • To remember which way around the “<” and “>” symbols go:

BIG > small

small < BIG

  • Always start comparing from the highest place values.


– Both numbers has ten thousands place as their highest place value. Start from the ten thousands place.

87, 654 and 49, 654

is 87, 654 > 49, 654

Read: 87, 654 is greater than 49, 654.

– If both ten thousands places has the same digit then you can proceed to the next highest place value.

87, 654 and 89, 654

is 87, 654 < 89, 654.

Read: 87, 654 is less than 89, 654.


Activity 1

Compare the following numbers using <, > or =.

1.) 75, 000 75, 001

2.) 32, 434 32, 343

3.) 21, 030 21, 003

4.) 80,808 80,080

5.) 94, 323 94, 333

Activity 2

Which number is greater? Encircle your answer.

  1. 48, 327 or 48, 329
  2. 90, 005 or 60, 005
  3. 60, 121 or 60, 271
  4. 80, 808 or 88, 808
  5. 36, 500 or 36, 500

Activity 3

Mark / if the number sentence is correct and x if it is wrong.

___ 1.) 42, 300 > forty-two thousand

___ 2.) 70, 000 + 1, 000 + 200 + 30 + 1 = 71, 031

___ 3.) eighty-six thousand, seven hundred four > 86, 740

___ 4.) seventy-seven thousand, seven hundred > 70, 000 + 7, 000 + 700

___ 5.) 43, 321 < 43, 521

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LESSON 5: Rounding Numbers to the Nearest Thousands and Ten Thousands


Why do we round off numbers?

What are the steps in rounding off numbers?

Watch this.

From Cherry’s Classroom YouTube Channel.

Guide to rounding numbers:

  1. Rounding Digit -Identify the rounding digit according to its place value.
  2. Round Up or Round Down– decide when to round up or round down. Round down when the digit at the right of the rounding digit is less than 5. Round up if the digit at the right of the rounding digit is 5 or more than 5.
  3. Zeros – Replace all numbers to right of the rounding number with Zero.


Activity 1

Activity 2

Complete the table.

Activity 3

Round to the nearest highest place value.4, 567

1.) 4, 657

2.) 54, 768

3.) 23, 561

4.) 2, 687

5.) 9, 671

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LESSON 4: Reading and Writing Numbers up to 100 000 in Symbols and in Words


100 000.

How do we read this?

How do we write it in words?

Watch this.

From Cherry’s Classroom YouTube Channel

Remember the following in reading numbers in symbols and in words.

  • Read from left to right.
  • Number + Period ( In every period, read the number then the period in singular form. No need to read the period when its in the Ones Period.)

Remember the following in writing numbers in symbols and words.

  • Always hyphenate 2-digit numbers 21 up to 99 when writing them out as words. These are compound numbers.
  • 2-digit numbers like 11 up to 19, 10 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 are not compound numbers. These numbers don’t need to be hyphenated.
  • Use a space or a comma between periods.


Activity 1

Write the numbers correctly in words and in symbols.

1.) 55555
2.) 20055
3.) 75500
4.) 32085
5.) 34981

Activity 2

Write the following numbers in words.

1.) 43, 657

2.) 77, 777

3.) 20, 023

4.) 65, 000

5.) 34 720

Activity 3

Write the following numbers in symbols.

1.) seventy-eight thousand, nine hundred

2.) forty thousand, seven hundred

3.) eighty-two thousand, five

4.) four thousand

5.) twenty-six thousand, four hundred forty-four

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Activity 2: Value of a Digit in Numbers up to 100 000

Correct Answer


LESSON 3 (Part 2): Place Value and Value of a Digit in Numbers up to 100 000

Value of a Digit in Numbers up to 100 000



Watch this.


Digit- any of the numerals from 0 to 9.

Number- a string of one or more digits.

Place Value – It is the position of a digit in a number that determines its value.


Activity 1

From Cherry’s Classroom YouTube channel

Activity 2

In which number does 4 have the greater value? Encircle your answer.

  1. ) 34 768 or 42 357
  2. ) 28 748 or 32 457
  3. ) 14 768 or 57 458
  4. ) 54 768 or 42 135
  5. ) 81 748 or 52 254
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ACTIVITY 1: Value of a Digit in Numbers up to 100 000

Correct Answer


ACTIVITY 1: Place Value of a Digit in Numbers up to 100 000

Correct Answer

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 7
  4. 2
  5. 5

LESSON 3 (Part 1): Place Value and Value of a Digit in Numbers up to 100 000

Place Value of a Digit in Numbers up to 100 000



Watch this.

From Cherry’s Classroom YouTube channel


Digit- any of the numerals from 0 to 9.

Number- a string of one or more digits.

Place Value – It is the position of a digit in a number that determines its value.


Activity 1

Activity 2

Write the place value of the underlined digit.


  1. 28 379 – Hundreds
  1. 56 732 – _____
  2. 72 438 – _____
  3. 24 596 – _____
  4. 63 452 – _____
  5. 87 329 – _____
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Activity 2: Place Value of a Digit in Numbers up to 100 000

Correct Answer

Write the place value of the underlined digit.


  1. 28 379 – Hundreds
  1. 56 732 – Thousands Place
  2. 72 438 – Tens Place
  3. 24 596 – Ten Thousands Place
  4. 63 452Ones Place
  5. 87 329 – Hundreds Place