English Lessons Mathematics

Activity 3

Ordinal Numbers 1 up to 10

1.    Who came first in the doorway?
2.    Ryan is ___ in the line.
3.    The last person in line is ______. She is _____ in line.
4.    The 2nd person in the line is _______.
5.   Clyte and Romeo are ____ and ____ in the line.
  1. Who came first in the doorway? Liemar
  2. Ryan is 5th in the line. (fifth)
  3. The last person in line is Richelle. She is 6th in line. (sixth)
  4. The 2nd person in the line is Arra.
  5. Clyte and Romeo are 3rd and 4th in the line. (third and fourth)

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Teacher Cherry

By Teacher Cherry

As a teacher, I am a member of a team in our society, assigned to retain learnings in my students. I owe this to the community.

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