Grammar 친구

Lesson 1 : Noun + 입니다 and Noun + 입니까


Members of the family:

  • 아버지 – father
  • 어머니 – mother
  • 형 – older brother (for a boy)
  • 누나 – older sister (for a boy)
  • 오빠 – older brother (for a girl)
  • 언니 older sister (for a girl)
  • 남동생 – younger brother
  • 여동생 – younger sister
  • 할아버지 – grandfather
  • 할머니 – grandmother


입니다 and 입니까 are linking verbs attached to a noun. It expresses the meaning that is equivalent to am, is and are in English.

  • 입니다 – expresses a statement.
  • 입니까 – expresses a question.

noun + 입니다

아버지 + 입니다 = 아버지입니

I am father. / He is father.

noun + 입니까?

아버지 + 입니까 = 아버지입니까?

I am father? / He is father?

Let’s try

Activity 1.

누구입니까? (Who is he/she?)

Identify the family members. Choose the correct word from the box below.

Click here for the correct answer.

Activity 2.

무엇입니까? What is it?

Name the following fruits.

Click here for the correct answer.

Activity 3.

어디입니까? Where is it?

1. Question: 어디입니까?


2. Question: 어디입니까?


3. Question: 어디입니까?


4. Question: 어디입니까?


5. Question: 어디입니까?


Click here for the correct answer.

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