Grammar 친구

Lesson 4: Verb + 습니다/ㅂ니다 and Verb + 습니까? /ㅂ니까?


Action Words I

  • 요리하다
  • 썰다 – to chop or slice
  • 튀기다 – to deep fry
  • 볶다 – to fry
  • 섞다 – to mix or blend
  • 굽다 – to grill, to roast, to bake
  • 휘젓다 – to stir
  • 끓이다 – to boil


습니다/ㅂ니다 and 습니까?/ㅂ니까? Sentence endings attached to verb stem. It expresses a formality and politeness.

습니다 – Used for statements. Attached to verb stems that end with consonants.

Example: 먹다 – to eat

verb + 습니다

+ 습니다 = 먹습니다

Sentence: 이 사과를 먹습니다.

ㅂ니다 – Used for statements. Attached to verb stems that end with vowels.

Example: 가다 – to go

verb + ㅂ니다

+ ㅂ니다 = 갑니다

Sentence: 그 사람은 갑니다.

습니까? – Used for questions. Attached to verb stems that end with consonants.

Example: 닫다 – to close

verb + 습니까?

+ 습니까? = 닫습니까?

Sentence: 문을 닫습니까?

ㅂ니다? – Used for questions. Attached to verb stems that end with vowels.

Example: 주다 – to give

verb + ㅂ니까?

+ ㅂ니까? = 줍니까?

Sentence: 선물은 줍니까?

Let’s Try

Activity 1.

“동사 = Verb”

Complete the table below.

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Grammar 친구

Lesson 4: Activity 1

(Correct Answer)

Activity 1. “동사 = Verb”

Complete the table below.

Grammar 친구

Lesson 3. Activity 1

(Correct Answer)

Activity 1. “In School

Complete the sentence in each picture.

Translation: This place is our school.
The speaker is exactly in the place he is referring to.
Translation: That person (over there) is Dennis.
The speaker and the listener are both far from the person they are referring to.
Translation: This book is interesting.
The speaker is holding the book he is referring to.

Back to the lesson.

Grammar 친구

Lesson 3: 이, 그, 저


Something to Wear

  • 바지 – pants
  • 치마 – skirt
  • 양말 – socks
  • 티셔츠 – tshirt
  • 블라우스 – blouse
  • 모자 – hat
  • 교복 – school uniform
  • 옷 – clothes
  • 신발 – shoes
  • 반바지 – shorts


이, 그, 저 are used to point to people and objects.

이 (Equivalent to “this” in English.)

-used when referring to an object or person near the speaker.


그 ( Equivalent to “that” in English.)

– used when referring to an object or person near the listener.


저 (Equivalent to “that over there” in English.)

used when referring to an object or person far from both the speaker and the listener.


Let’s Try

Activity 1. “In School

Complete the sentence in each picture.

Click here for the correct answer.

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Here’s the list if you want to learn more, 친구.

Grammar 친구

Lesson 2. Activity 3

(Correct Answer)

Activity 3.

Let’s Talk

Form a sentence out of the words provided in each number. Use 은 or 는.

<보기> 아라, 제 친구

answer: 아라는 제 친구입니다.

  1. 벤, 배우
    • answer: 벤는 배우입니다.
  2. 저, 필리핀 사람
    • answer: 저는 필리핀 사람입나다.
  3. 남동생, 저자
    • answer: 남동생은 저자입니다.
  4. 여기, 도서관
    • answer: 여기는 도서관입니다.
  5. 루나, 제빵사
    • answer: 루나는 제빵사입니다.

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Grammar 친구

Lesson 2. Activity 2

(Correct Answer)

Activity 2

ID Please!

Fill in the blanks using 은 or 는.

이 사람 박 지윤입니다.
박 지윤 한국 사람입니다.
서울 경찰서 경찰관입니다
이 사람 메이 골드입니다.
메이 골드 미국 사람입니다.
해피 음식점 요리사입니다.

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Grammar 친구

Lesson 2: Noun + 은 or 는



  • 배우 – actor
  • 제빵사 – baker
  • 저자 – author
  • 요리사 – chef
  • 목수 – carpenter
  • 의사 – doctor
  • 푸주한 – butcher
  • 소방관 – fire fighter
  • 배관공 – plumber
  • 경찰관 – policeman
  • 군인 – soldier


은 or 는 are attached to a noun to indicate a topic.

  • 은 – attached to a noun that ends with a consonant to indicate a topic.
  • 는 – attached to a noun that ends with a vowel to indicate a topic.

noun + 은

형 + = 형은

형 ends with “ㅇ” a consonant.


형은 의사입니다. (Big brother is a doctor.)

Topic in the sentence :

noun + 는

누나 + = 누나는

누나 ends with “ㅏ” a vowel.


누나는 선생님임니다. (Big sister is a teacher.)

Topic in the sentence : 누나

Let’s try

Activity 1. Work, Work, Work!

Complete the table below.

명사 (noun)명사 (noun)
군인 제빵사 
경찰관 저자 
배관공 요리사 
소방관 배우 

Click here for the correct answer.

Activity 2. ID Please!

Fill in the blanks using 은 or 는.

이 사람 박 지윤입니다.
박 지윤____ 한국 사람입니다.
서울 경찰서 경찰관입니다.
이 사람___ 메이 골드입니다.
메이 골드____ 미국 사람입니다.
해피 음식점 요리사입니다.

Click here for the correct answer.

Activity 3. Let’s Talk

Form a sentence out of the words provided in each number. Use 은 or 는.

<보기> 아라, 제 친구

answer: 아라는 제 친구입니다.

  1. 벤, 배우
    • answer: ___________.
  2. 저, 필리핀 사람
    • answer:___________.
  3. 남동생, 저자
    • answer:___________.
  4. 여기, 도서관
    • answer:___________.
  5. 루나, 제빵사
    • answer:___________.

Click here for the correct answer.

Activity 4. My Friend

Introduce your friend to us. Using 은 and 는. Share it in the comment section.

Here’s an example:

이 사람 다다입니다. 
다다 스페인 사람입니다. 
다다 필라 학교 선생님입니다. 
제 친구입니다.

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Here’s the list if you want to learn more, 친구.

Grammar 친구

Lesson 2 Activity 1

(Correct Answer)

Activity 1

Work, Work, Work!

Complete the table below.

명사 (noun)명사 (noun)
곤인곤인은 제빵사제빵사는 

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Grammar 친구

Lesson 1: Activity 1

(Correct Answer)

Activity 3.

어디입니까? Where is it?

1. Question: 어디입니까?

Answer: 백화점입니다

2. Question: 어디입니까?

Answer: 방입니다.

3. Question: 어디입니까?

Answer: 빵집입니다.

4. Question: 어디입니까?

Answer: 꽃집입니다

5. Question: 어디입니까?

Answer: 도서관입니다.

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Grammar 친구

Lesson 1: Activity 1

(Correct Answer)

Activity 1. 누구입니까? (Who is he/she?)

Identify the family members. Choose the correct word from the box below.

Back to the lesson.