This item will be easier if you are exposed to a lot of Korean Vocabulary.
You might not understand the whole sentence, but if you can understand the words then you can anticipate what each sentence is about.
This passage talks about Era having a new bike which she hasn’t able to use because of the weather and a busy schedule. The last part of the passage states that “she is looking forward for the weekend”. From that sentence you can understand what she was planning to do for the weekend.
Choose a word that is appropriate to the second sentence. Use the 1st sentence as your bases.
The author like books. He also mentioned the word 도서관에 갑니다 which means “ I go to the library”. If you know the meaning of every choices in this item, it will be easy for you to find out the answer.
Choose the most appropriate word for the ( ) like <Example>.
여름 숲속에 means “in the summer forest”. It is tricky. You can say the answer is 갔다오면. The appropriate expression is 들어가면. It’s talking about the feeling inside the summer forest and not the feeling along the way to the summer forest.
Reading Difficult
Select the correct word to put in ㄱ. 1. back 2. if you go 3. enter 4. if you go up.
Understanding the content that comes before and after the blank.
Choose a word that naturally connects the sentence.
It would be easy if you try to understand every word in that particular sentence with a missing word.
The picture tells the meaning of every word before the blank. After the blank we have끝날겁니다from the verb 끝나다 means to finish. 끝날 겁니다 means “will be finished”.
Name: Cheri Lim Congratulation for passing! Cheri, welcome to our company! You can come to work beginning next Monday. You must report to work by 8 o’clock. However, since it’s your first day of work in the office, please arrive 30 minutes early. It’s the first day we have a lot of things to inform you. Please come to room 501 on the 5th floor. We will see you next week! Pretty Company