Review 친구

EPS TOPIK I Listening Difficult Day 3


진행됩니다 – goes on/ goes live.


From Checheboreche’s World


This item will test your comprehension skill. You have to understand the purpose of the content.

  1. True or False Elimination
    • Read each option carefully and eliminate all false options.
  2. Identify as many vocabularies as you can.



Listening Difficult Day 2

Listen to the following and answer the questions.

Lisa, it’s me Jaehyun. I’m singing this Saturday, won’t you come? I sent the ticket to your house, if you have time, come see the show with your friends. The show is fun and famous actors are also coming, so you won’t regret it. The show will be in Seoul Theater and it will start at 6pm and end at 8pm. Let’s have a glass of beer together after the performance. It’s on me.

Answer this: Choose the one that matches what you heard.

1. You can watch the show while drinking beer.

2. The woman and the man will watch the show together.

3. The venue of the show is Gimpo Theater.

4. The show runs for two hours.

Correct Answer

#4 두 시간 동안 공연이 진행됩니다. 

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Review 친구

EPS TOPIK I Listening Average Day 3


사 줬습니다    –  buy + give (사: buy, 줬습니다:give)

사 올게요       –  buy + will come (사: buy, 올게요: will come)

살게요           – will buy


From Checheboreche’s World


In items like this, always ask yourself:

a. What are they talking about?

b. What are they doing?

These questions will guide you in choosing the correct answer.

  1. Listen carefully.
  2. Distinguish the man’s dialogue from the woman’s dialogue.
  3. Memorize more words to enrich your vocabulary.


At the last part of the conversation the man said: 고마워요. 제가 다음에 점심 살게요. It means that he is thanking the woman and that he will buy lunch next time.


Listening Average Day 3

Listen to the following and choose the statement that agrees with the conversation.


Woman: You haven’t eaten lunch yet?

Man: Yes, I have to make the meeting materials by three o’clock, but I’m not done yet.

Woman: Really? Then I’ll buy you some coffee and bread.

Man: Thank you. I’ll buy lunch next time.

1. The man is going to buy coffee and bread.

2. The woman is preparing the meeting materials.

3. The woman bought the man lunch.

4. The man will give the woman meeting materials

Correct Answer

#3. 여자는 남자에게 점심을 사 줬습니다.

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Review 친구

EPS TOPIK I Listening Easy Day 3


From Checheboreche’s World


This item test your ability to reply in a simple daily conversation.

1. Listen to some key words. These words will help you understand what was the sentence is all about. Like in this conversation, he mentioned 피곤해요. Meaning he is tired.

2. Use the process of elimination. Most of the given options are almost an appropriate reply to the 1st sentence, but you have to choose the best reply.

3. Memorize more words.


After listening, read this item to be familiarized with the pronunciation of each word.

He mentioned 피곤해요. Meaning he is tired.


Listen to the following and choose the next sentence

Man: I’m busy these days, so I’m so tired.

Woman: _________________________

1. It’s okay.            

2. Please say it.

3. Have a good trip.     

4. Then take a rest please.

Correct Answer

#4 – 그럼 좀 쉬세요

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Review 친구

EPS TOPIK I Listening Difficult 2


  • 보냈으니까 – because I sent (보내다 – send)
  • 있으면 – if there is (있다 – have or there is)
  • 유명한 – famous
  • 맥주 한잔해요 – a glass of beer



This item will test your comprehension skill. You have to understand the purpose of the content.

  1. Pay special attention to the beginning and the end of the passage. Main ideas are usually found at the beginning or at the end of the passage.
  2. Identify as many vocabularies as you can.


After listening, read this item to be familiarized with the pronunciation of each word.

(Beginning of the passage: 이번 주 토요일에 제가 노래를 하는데 오지 않을래요?
End of the passage: 공연이 끝난 후에 같이 맥주 한잔해요. 제가 살게요. )


Listening Difficult Day 2

Listen to the following and answer the questions.

Lisa, it’s me Jaehyun. I’m singing this Saturday, won’t you come? I sent the ticket to your house, if you have time, come see the show with your friends. The show is fun and famous actors are also coming, so you won’t regret it. The show will be in Seoul Theater and it will start at 6pm and end at 8pm. Let’s have a glass of beer together after the performance. It’s on me.

Answer this: Choose which word talks about the selection.

  1. plan
  2. invitation 
  3. explanation
  4. guide

Correct Answer

#2 – 초대

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Review 친구

EPS TOPIK I Listening Average 2


  • 간단하다 – simple
  • 방법 – way
  • 안 어려워요 – not hard, not difficult (어려워요 – hard, difficult)



In items like this, always ask yourself:

a. What are they talking about?

b. What are they doing?

These questions will guide you in choosing the correct answer.

  1. Listen carefully.
  2. Distinguish the man’s dialogue from the woman’s dialogue.
  3. Memorize more words to enrich your vocabulary.


After listening, read this item to be familiarized with the pronunciation of each word.

1. Who knows how to make a cake?


Listen to the following and choose the statement that agrees with the conversation.


Woman: I eat cake a lot these days, but it’s seems like too expensive.
Man: That’s right. So, I make simple cakes at home.
Woman: Is it? Please tell me how to make it. It seems difficult.
Man: It’s not really hard to make a cake. I’ll write you the recipe.

  1. The man knows how to make a cake.
  2. The woman often make and eat cakes.
  3. The woman like cake and eat it often.
  4. The man bought the woman an expensive cake.

Correct Answer:

#1남자는 케이크를 만들 줄 압니다.

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Review 친구

EPS TOPIK I Listening Difficult 1


  • 아래층 – downstairs (아래 -under) (층 –  layer or floor)
  • 이야기 – talk / story
  • 강아지 – puppy
  • 소리 – sound
  • 옆집 – next door or neighbor (옆 – side, 집 – house)
  • 듣다 – To hear



This item is asking for the reason behind the conversation.

  1. Usually the reasons are revealed at the beginning of the conversation, so listen carefully.
  2. Take note of the situation of each character. (Example who did this, who did that)
  3. Identify as many vocabularies as you can in this selection, so you can connect the dots if you don’t fully understand the conversation.
  4. Memorize more vocabularies and be familiar with their pronunciations as well.


After listening, read this item to be familiarized with the pronunciation of each word.

QUESTION: 남자는,여자의  집에 왜 왔습니까?

1. 강아지를 키우려고

2. 미안하다고 이야기하려고

3. 강아지를 키우는지 물어보려고

4. 옆집이 시끄러운지 확인 하려고

(The following were mentioned many times in the conversation:
강아지 and 소리. Meaning puppy and sound. Hearing these words, what do you think are they talking about?)


Listening Difficult

Listen to the following and answer the questions.

Man: Hello. I am the person living downstairs. Can I talk to you for a little while?
Woman: Hello. What are you here for?

Man: Do you have a puppy at home? I heard a lot of puppy barking sounds at night these days, so the kids can't sleep.
Woman: Oh, I think you're wrong. I think the next door is raising a puppy.
Man: Is it? Sorry. Can't you hear the sound in this house too?
Woman: Yes, so we also talked to the people next door yesterday.
QUESTION: Why did the man came to the woman's house?
1. To raise a puppy.
2. To talk and say sorry.
3. To ask if she is raising a puppy.
4. To confirm if the next door is noisy.

Correct Answer

#3 – 강아지를 키우는지 물어보려고.

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Review 친구

EPS TOPIK I Listening Easy 2



  Remember this:

  • Affirmative response expresses the validity or truth.
  • Negative response expresses its falsity.

The answer may be affirmative or negative. An affirmative response starts with 네. A negative response starts with 아니요.


After listening, read this item to be familiarized with the pronunciation of each word.


Listen to the following and choose the correct answer to the question.

Question: Is there a restaurant in this place?

1. Yes, it is a restaurant.                     2. Yes, there are many restaurants.

3. No, the restaurant is far away.      4. No, the restaurant is small.

Correct Answer

#2 네, 식당이 많아요.

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Review 친구

EPS TOPIK 1 Listening Difficult

Stop stressing yourself. Do it one day at a time. Review one item a day. It improves your vocabulary and lessen the self pressure to learn.

Listening Difficult Day 4(Soon)

Review 친구

EPS TOPIK I Listening Average Day 1

(My Notes)


Words with the same meaning:

같이 =  함께 ( together)



In items like this, always ask yourself what are they talking about. This question will guide you in choosing the correct answer.

  1. Listen carefully.
  2. Distinguish the man’s dialogue from the woman’s dialogue.


After listening, read this item to be familiarized with the pronunciation of each word.

You are already familiar with some words. Like 선물and 생일. You will then conclude that they were talking about a birthday gift. Keep on asking yourself. Like, who’s birthday?
What are they going to do? Thinking this way will help you connect the dots and find the correct answer.


Listen to the following and choose the statement that agrees with the conversation.


Woman: I’m going to buy my brother’s birthday present tomorrow. Can you help me?

Man: Sure. Shall we go to the department store first?

Woman: Yes, thank you.

  1. The man will shop at the department store.
  2. The man will give the woman a present.
  3. The woman and the man will choose the gift together.
  4. The man received a present because it is his birthday tomorrow.

Correct Answer

#3 여자는 남자와 같이 선물을 고를 겁니다.

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Review 친구

EPS TOPIK 1 Listening Average

Stop stressing yourself. Do it one day at a time. Review one item a day. It improves your vocabulary and lessen the self pressure to learn.

Listening Average (Day 4) Soon