사 줬습니다 – buy + give (사: buy, 줬습니다:give)
사 올게요 – buy + will come (사: buy, 올게요: will come)
살게요 – will buy
In items like this, always ask yourself:
a. What are they talking about?
b. What are they doing?
These questions will guide you in choosing the correct answer.
- Listen carefully.
- Distinguish the man’s dialogue from the woman’s dialogue.
- Memorize more words to enrich your vocabulary.
EPS TOPIK I Listening Average Day 3
Listen to the following and choose the statement that agrees with the conversation.
Woman: You haven’t eaten lunch yet?
Man: Yes, I have to make the meeting materials by three o’clock, but I’m not done yet.
Woman: Really? Then I’ll buy you some coffee and bread.
Man: Thank you. I’ll buy lunch next time.
1. The man is going to buy coffee and bread.
2. The woman is preparing the meeting materials.
3. The woman bought the man lunch.
4. The man will give the woman meeting materials
Correct Answer
#3. 여자는 남자에게 점심을 사 줬습니다.
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